Monday, 9 January 2012

The Unfinished Chapter - 75

Chapter 75

Lashes of time are all but still
Quite like a tiny grain of sand on the shore of a desolate ocean
Each speck has a story to live
Yet, so far it goes from its birth, its origin
It begins by resting in one spot
It’s soon moved to another spot by waves that crash on its shore
A journey that transcends time, space, self, being
It travels, some times willingly, some times not so

“Come,” says the speck of sand, “come, and I shall introduce you to my valley of tears.”
Free flowing, stinging, burning, becoming
Dancing, dancing to a tune she knows not, dancing any way
There’s music, of that she’s sure, but she hears nothing
She listens to the beat of her thumping heart, fast some times, slow, dangerously slow at others
Her feet are disconnected now
She looks at them from a distance
How can this be, she wonders; has she drowned in her valley of tears, or has she risen high above all else?

Salty waves seemed to draw her into their sweet embrace
She felt foam caress her cheeks, water wet her hair, suffocation envelope her being
Suspended, but free, she was free
Her soul took flight, soaring high above the ocean, the shore, the speck of sand
She turned, felt her long hair embalm her
She was her valley of tears; she is her valley of tears
And she looked down from where she was to where she once was
That land, that land she left was a land with no soul

It was a place that placed logic and reason over feelings
A land that listened to just the voice in the head, while drowning the voice from the heart
An eerie transitory realm that held a beacon for few like her, a beacon that was long lost
She looks around; she found her land, found her soul, found herself
She breathed; the air was light, pure
 She closed her eyes, felt a gentle caress
She was home
She was but a speck of sand that drowned in her valley of tears…