Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 87

Chapter 87

One of those days, one of those moments
So much to be thankful for, and yet...
Her long hair flies carelessly in the light noon breeze
She notices glistening leaves doing varied dances to nature's tune
She listened as breeze sang to her
Different notes, various tunes
It all made sense
And, in that sense lay its senselessness
She found herself in a vast open field
Consumed almost by long blades of grass
She stood still, and yet, paradoxically she was moving
She allowed life to take her wherever it willed
Sometimes here, sometimes there
She smiled
She'd stopped wondering
Now, she had just one question that really had no answer
Mother Nature, God, angels, whoever is up there, down here, listening
Whoever bore witness, continues to bear witness to her love

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