Chapter 79
I turn around and find myself I've lost
Will this pathless journey my life cost?
Frantic, I turn around and look
Through every lane, corner and nook
And then, I see myself somewhere
Somewhere between hope and despair
Hope because this love brings me strength
Despair because I'm afraid that no matter how much I love you, I could love you even more
I see you right here in my heart
You run through my veins, enrapture my soul, enthrall my spirit
No answer can ever satisfy a soul in love
This evasive answer justifies the purity of love in its silence
You, my love are scared, but I am too
But the strength of my love takes me through
How strong you are, you don't even know
You've given me so much, please; please take just a few steps more
Then you'll see what your heart is saying
And, you'll find me there, dancing to a tune that you and I have forever been playing
Love you forever I will
And, I will await that dance with you, until
Until you hold me, and never let me go
Time will stand still; doves will fly really, really slow
Even then, I will love you between hope and despair
Hope to be able to love you even more, despair on realising that this lifetime is just not enough to show you how much I love you, how much I care...