Chapter 80
Did you know you are the songs I sing?
Did you know you are the dreams I dream?
Did you know you are the words I speak?
You are my silence that encompasses my being
My joy, sorrow, laughter, tears
You are my very breath
You are my love
In the stillness of nothingness, you seduce my very soul
We're dancing this dance, matching steps
You twirl me, I close my eyes
Life's playing her keys perfectly
Forever breathe love into me; I shall then be alive eternally
I am in love with you so
I am in love with you so
I know not any other way to live
Each breath has a part of your soul in it
Where, how, why, I wonder not
I love you, your soul, your spirit, you
I love you so that you are not you, neither am I just I
And as I close my eyes tonight, I can hear you whisper, feel your breath, listen to you breathe
And in you whisper, I hear my voice
And in your breath, I feel myself
As you breathe, I feel myself breathing too
You are me, I am you
I am in love with you
A love that began lifetimes ago
One that will live on eternally
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