Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 89

Chapter 89

She tries calling out to him, she can't
Her voice is lost in the dreariness of everyday life
She was soft, but, love she believed would carry her call through
Tears welled-up in her almond-shaped eyes
She ceased calling, he couldn't or wouldn't hear her
She waited for a while as the crowds and noise engulfed her
Everything has an overpowering effect now
She slowly turned to leave
She left, just as quietly as she had come
Her love, her dreams, trying so hard to find a place in this heartless world
Sweet nothings, kisses, hugs, holding hands
These are her life, a life through love 
She was looking for him, hoping that he was looking for her too
 The wait is a long one as tears streams flow when her patience runs thin
For now, she is kissed with her own tears
But she'll look for her soulmate anyway
She knows she will find him
And when she does, she will hold on to him
Even if all she would do was break down and cry in his arms

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