Monday, 21 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter – 96

Chapter 96

Her delicate fingers caressed the rose gently
The petals were soft, like her skin
Red like her cheeks
Her tiny finger made its way to the stalk
She noticed that the thorn tore the tip of her index finger
She saw a bright red trail of blood weave an intrinsic pattern on her hand
She bent, drew in a deep breath of the rose
Her rosebud lips broke into a slight smile
She closed her eyes
Trance-like she danced to an unknown tune
It was new
She clutched her rose tighter still
This was one rose that enthralled her very being, twirled her as a long lost lover riding a shooting star
And with her tightened grip came more blood
As that thorn on the stalk ripped into her delicate being again… and again... and again

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