Sunday, 20 November 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 76

Chapter 76

The icy path is white, pristine, pure
She walked, ever so slowly on the jagged pathway that ripped her delicate bare feet
Her slight, solitary figure was but an apparition in a land bathed in white
Was there a call?

Her bleeding feet left behind a maze of designs in red
Little pathways that were the only proof of her physical journey
She left nothing behind
She let parts of herself dissolve, dissolve in God’s beautiful nature
She left her kisses to the breeze, her hugs to the trees, her pain to the seas
Her heart, her soul, her spirit, they walked with her... for now

Time was irrelevant
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades
Everything tangible was measured, all things intangible are immortal, are forever
She put her delicate hand on her heart
It was beating, still
Icy glass blades continued to decorate the path ahead, she continued her solitary walk in pain, with pain

There were flowers too on this road
They were enveloped in ice
She bent, brushed a seemingly dead flower
It came to life, bringing colours of love to a landscape bathed in white
She smiled a little
Cupped her tiny flower in the palm of her hands, walked on

Tired, she was tired
She found a quiet corner in the far distance, she sat down, rested
She brought her knees to her chest, lay her head on her knees, hugged her slender frame
She looked at the path she’d walked thus far
The icy road was marked in her bright red blood
Some of it from her feet, some of it from her soul, most of it from her bleeding heart, which cried tears of blood

She closed her eyes, petted her heart, she was is, she is was...

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 77

Chapter 77

My love, my darling love
I see you in the stars above
So happy and so free
I wish upon those stars, send you a part of me

Quietly twinkling in the sky, blessing us from heaven above
I look up and blow you a kiss, send you a wave of my love
I close my eyes; spread my arms in wide, wide embrace
Sending you a care bear hug, smothering kisses on your face

Gifted by and born in our good God, what a journey this love has is
We know only beginnings, that's all our love has seen
In this physical world you may be afar
But all I have to do is look at my twinkling star

There you are, smiling and serene
I look up, eyes closed, against beautiful roses I lean
Now my heart says a silent prayer
This one's for all the lovers whose intense love sometimes makes separation hard to bear...

May our love soothe every aching heart
May our love caress every crying child
May our love flow all around the universe, and back again
May our love spread her wings and kiss the sky
May our love give hope, comfort, trust, goodwill to all beings
May our love find her joy in the tears and pain
May our love find strength in letting go
May our love pass through every atom and ion in the world above
May our love find its way back to God and realise that she was born from God
May God then take our love and help her find her way back home

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 78

Chapter 78

She lifted her head higher towards the open sky
The winds grew stronger as the sailboat sailed further... and further
Sailing to the heart of the ocean she wondered?

She felt the ocean’s beautiful heart
She felt her own aching heart rip through her emotions
Wet her pillow, bleed, bleed, bleed

She clutched her chest, felt the heartbeat, felt the pain
Sweet ocean breeze caressed her cheek
She was happy

She sailed further
She felt her feet sink into the ocean
Oh, the beautiful ocean, it embraced her

She sank lower, lower, lower, lower 
She saw the sea in all her wondrous beauty 
The coral, the dolphins, everything

Then she was rising
An ethereal force pulling her to the surface
She panicked

Was she sinking into eternity
Or, was she being pulled to the surface...

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 79

Chapter 79

I turn around and find myself I've lost
Will this pathless journey my life cost?
Frantic, I turn around and look
Through every lane, corner and nook
And then, I see myself somewhere
Somewhere between hope and despair

Hope because this love brings me strength
Despair because I'm afraid that no matter how much I love you, I could love you even more
I see you right here in my heart
You run through my veins, enrapture my soul, enthrall my spirit
No answer can ever satisfy a soul in love
This evasive answer justifies the purity of love in its silence

You, my love are scared, but I am too
But the strength of my love takes me through
How strong you are, you don't even know
You've given me so much, please; please take just a few steps more
Then you'll see what your heart is saying
And, you'll find me there, dancing to a tune that you and I have forever been playing

Love you forever I will
And, I will await that dance with you, until
Until you hold me, and never let me go
Time will stand still; doves will fly really, really slow
Even then, I will love you between hope and despair
Hope to be able to love you even more, despair on realising that this lifetime is just not enough to show you how much I love you, how much I care...

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 80

Chapter 80

Did you know you are the songs I sing?

Did you know you are the dreams I dream?
Did you know you are the words I speak?
You are my silence that encompasses my being
My joy, sorrow, laughter, tears
You are my very breath
You are my love

In the stillness of nothingness, you seduce my very soul
We're dancing this dance, matching steps
You twirl me, I close my eyes
Life's playing her keys perfectly
Forever breathe love into me; I shall then be alive eternally
I am in love with you so
I know not any other way to live
Each breath has a part of your soul in it
Where, how, why, I wonder not
I love you, your soul, your spirit, you
I love you so that you are not you, neither am I just I
And as I close my eyes tonight, I can hear you whisper, feel your breath, listen to you breathe

And in you whisper, I hear my voice
And in your breath, I feel myself
As you breathe, I feel myself breathing too
You are me, I am you
I am in love with you
A love that began lifetimes ago
One that will live on eternally

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 81

Chapter 81

Between the first waking moment and the next
Just when fairies sprinkle stardust and angels play a tune of love and joy
Just after the moment night turns to day
Just before the moment a new dawn is born
That's where our journey began
That's where continued, that's where it is
And then as the world rests in God's love and peace
That moment, that one fleeting moment is all life is about when lived with and in love
And then, the beautiful sky is lit with the warmth of the sun, the beauty of the moon, the stillness of twinkling stars, the calming clouds, and the allurement of two shooting stars in sweet embrace.

That's where I shall meet you then
A place with no name
A land where time stood still, yet everything was in motion
Somewhere where our hearts and souls find their freedom
Far from the entrapment of empty promises, beautiful lies
Far from the fear of loving
Far from the ambiguity of nothingness
Yes, that's where I shall meet you
That's where I am dancing my dance to a tune only a heart in love can hear
You looked in my direction, then looked away

But I shan't sing this tune to you
No, you have to listen for it, to it
And, when you stop, empty yourself of fear, judgments, assumptions
You will hear it, only just
It's a beautiful tune, ever so gentle
It's played on a harp called trust
To notes called love
It doesn't know a you, it doesn't know a me
It knows, sees, feels, believes in us
Love, beautiful love is always an us

I shall continue my dance of love, with love
And I believe you will come one day, that's how much I trust love
Till then though, I shall dance, dance till my feet bleed
This is a dance I am dancing for us
And, till you find your way to me and complete us
I shall dance and sing to any tune love wants me to
One day, you will listen to the tune too
You will find yourself dancing to me, and then, with me
And when you come close and hug me in sweet embrace
You will hear your name with every beat of my heart, with every gentle breath I take

And then you will know, that it was my heart calling out to you all along
All along in an effort to be whole again, to be complete with you, in you, with love, in love  

Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 82

Chapter 82

The slight, solitary figure stood at the edge of the ocean
Waves came and went, kissing her delicate ankles ever so often
She strolled along for a little while
And then, she drew circles in the sand
Small insignificant ones that were wiped out with each wave
She watched, she wondered
Were these waves ending when they kissed the shore?
Or, was it the beginning of a new life as they returned?
The occasional seagull looked at her
Her eyes sparkled
They disguised the pain her heart now experienced

Love has wings
Her life will forever be love, even now
Every time she thinks of the abuse of love, her shattered heart, battered soul experience a loss so deep, a pain so brutal... she closes her eyes, her pain numbs her
And, if this pain and missing is what love has blessed her with, she accepts, gladly
She releases her love to the universe
She watched it fly, fly away
Her life
And yet, her heart was beating with one emotion... love
She walks, she walks... 

Sunday, 17 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 83

Chapter 83

Her voice was a mere whisper
She was but an apparition now
She put her hand to her chest
Her heart was still beating
The ambiguity of an abyss so deep, a path so distorted, was sometimes too much for her
She felt him in her heart, her soul, her breath, her very being
And yet, the night sky shattered with heartbreak tonight
The stars seemed a little dull
The quiet moon covered her face with clouds
Quite like a veil would cover tears from the crying eyes of a bleeding heart
And yet, when she lay on her pillow, she'd close her eyes when her soulmate closes his
And yet, when she breathes, her breath is his, just as his is hers... whoever he is, wherever he is...

Saturday, 16 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 84

Chapter 84

Quiet, caressing summer breeze beguiles the harshness of the afternoon sun
The world around her is a mix of various shades of green
Dancing leaves glistening in sunshine, sway this way, then the other way
The universe is telling her a story
She is listening
Times are a changing, she can feel it
She's lost, enraptured by the dance of nature
Her breath seems to match the breeze
With every breath she breathes him
He was her yesterday, he is her today, he will be her tomorrow
He will eternally be her ever after
She'd gladly accept all his tears
If only, to see his heart smile, his soul fly
And then, she will meet him in a place with no beginning, no end
She will meet him there, where her love found life
Her love that blessed her with a gift so pure, so rare
She can feel his breath, hear him sigh
Her beating heart is him
Her breath is him
And when she bids this world goodbye
She will breathe through him
He is her
She is him...

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 85

Chapter 85

He wasn't here, and yet, he was
She could feel his presence, intangible, mysterious
He almost teased her, quite like a game of hide-n-seek
Her arms ached, ached to hold him again
She noticed autumn leaves dancing in the quiet breeze
She was dancing to the dance of life herself
She was flying now, without wings
Walking without feet
Her love gave her the strength to do that, and so much more
She closed her eyes, opened her heart and sent him a never-ending wave of love
She'd never loathe her tears
In each drop was a love so pure, a passion so great
That it transcended lifetimes, time, space, everything...
She could almost hear his heart beat, listen to his breath, look into his eyes
Eyes that told her a story so deep that his lips needn't say the words
His silence said it all
She was listening
She hugged him tight, held him
He wasn't in her arms right now, and yet, he was, he is
He is...

Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 86

Chapter 86

From a day ago, to a day from now
From a week ago, to a week from now
From a month ago, to a month from now
From a year ago, to a year from now
From a lifetime ago, to a lifetime from now
The transient seductions of fallacy distract
She wipes away her tears, just as more follow
In this dance from then to now, now to then 
It's his presence she feels, his face she sees
And then she wonders, would he leave her again?
Just like he did from then to now?
Oh darling, how much she missed him
She closed her eyes, felt that familiar abyss overtake her very being
Falling, falling, jagged rocks slashing her along the way
She felt nothing
Pain metamorphosed itself into feeling
Feeling, but, she was numb, how could she feel?
But she did, she still felt for him
She still loved him, missed him
When it came to loving him, all the strength of the world couldn't keep her away
When it came to leaving him, the will of the world could do all but move her
She loves him, still
She misses him, still...

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 87

Chapter 87

One of those days, one of those moments
So much to be thankful for, and yet...
Her long hair flies carelessly in the light noon breeze
She notices glistening leaves doing varied dances to nature's tune
She listened as breeze sang to her
Different notes, various tunes
It all made sense
And, in that sense lay its senselessness
She found herself in a vast open field
Consumed almost by long blades of grass
She stood still, and yet, paradoxically she was moving
She allowed life to take her wherever it willed
Sometimes here, sometimes there
She smiled
She'd stopped wondering
Now, she had just one question that really had no answer
Mother Nature, God, angels, whoever is up there, down here, listening
Whoever bore witness, continues to bear witness to her love

Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 88

Chapter 88
Luminous, the quiet night sky was luminous in its loneliness

Her eyes burned from the tears she cried
She pet her heart, wondered
A vicious dance between hope and death
Steps she didn’t follow, didn’t understand
Still, she was dancing
A tiny trail of tears made their way to the ground, silently
Earth was absorbing some of her grief
Only to be greeted with more
Gone were innocent days filled with dreams
She lay amid a scattered lot now
Questions, questions haunted her
Feelings mocked her
She swallowed hard
The pain in her gut killing… almost
And she lay, just lay
She waited for no answers, nothing
Just a visitor she was expecting
As she died another death tonight
Only to rise tomorrow, and die a million more deaths again...

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 89

Chapter 89

She tries calling out to him, she can't
Her voice is lost in the dreariness of everyday life
She was soft, but, love she believed would carry her call through
Tears welled-up in her almond-shaped eyes
She ceased calling, he couldn't or wouldn't hear her
She waited for a while as the crowds and noise engulfed her
Everything has an overpowering effect now
She slowly turned to leave
She left, just as quietly as she had come
Her love, her dreams, trying so hard to find a place in this heartless world
Sweet nothings, kisses, hugs, holding hands
These are her life, a life through love 
She was looking for him, hoping that he was looking for her too
 The wait is a long one as tears streams flow when her patience runs thin
For now, she is kissed with her own tears
But she'll look for her soulmate anyway
She knows she will find him
And when she does, she will hold on to him
Even if all she would do was break down and cry in his arms

The Unfinished Chapter - 90

Chapter 90

She was free-falling in a deep, deep abyss
A bright light with snapshots of a life gone by welcomed her
Almost mocking
She stretched out her hand to grasp at them
They disappeared, mocking her unabated
She turned, shut her eyes swiftly
The pain of separation, heartbreaking sadness engulfed her very being
A flood of tears gushed forth
Her pain, her friend now, was almost physical
Her eyes were still closed
She was too afraid to open them
Too afraid to see pictures
Snapshots of dreams that now seemed like an illusion
Slowly, ever so slowly she opened her eyes
Mirrors, mirrors all around her
She looked at her face in those mirrors
And, she saw him... 

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 91

Chapter 91

Surreal, not quite
The sound a ticking clock somewhere near, somewhere far
Breathe, wait, be
The quiet moon on a cloudless night withholds deep secrets
Wandering minds will play truant, yet again
The fallacy of it all was mocking
Yet, in so many ways love threatened to conquer
Love, dear love, what beauty you bring to this wretched world
Werewolves cries in a distance signals the escapades of a lost soul
Cotton clouds passed by the dark moon
Shielding it only just enough to be seen
Quite like the weeping eyes of a lonely lover who lines her eyes to hide her tears
She could sing another love song, but she didn't
Her arms ached for the lover she missed
Her heart sobbed for the soul she longed for
She danced to a tuneless song
Her feet bled, she danced anyway
And, as the ambiguity of it all dawned
She spread her wings and flew...

Saturday, 26 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 92

Chapter 92

She lived her life in love
She still lives her life in love
Her feelings were, are, and forever will be true
She thought that was enough
Was it, though?
She stands at the end of a lonely road
Is it the end or the beginning?
She knew not, she cared not
She wasn't here
She was consumed by the bottomless vacuum that refused to abate
Dreary clouds part ways in the sky above
Brightness caused by sudden lightening
Thunder roared like it was a lover spurned
Like it cried as it stood and watched tiny, scattered pieces of a broken heart
It poured thundershowers like never before
Like the sky was sobbing for its lover it missed so dearly
A lover that was its life with whom it had none
The sky was lonely, the sky was nothing, no one
So, who is the sky then?
Like the sky, is she destined to look far, far into the horizon
Rejoice at the meeting of the sky and earth in that distance?
She gasped for breath, fought back a tear, closed her eyes
Just closed her eyes
This was going to be a dreamless sleep
She'd rather not dream, than have those very dream paint pictures, only to betray her

Friday, 25 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 93

Chapter 93

Her tiny wings were delicate
She flapped them, ever so gently
They found flight, took her to a new place, a different time
Quiet gentle breeze caressed her long, silky hair
Stray strands kissed her slight shoulders, tickled her, almost
She smiled
She looked at her bosom, beyond which lay a beating heart
Her heart
She pet it, sang to it
Closed her eyes
A stray tear threatened to make its out
It did
But, this tear was different
This was a tear of joy
The joy of looking within
The joy of a few dreams, fewer memories
The joy of but a few hours
The joy of new wings
The joy of learning to fly... again, and again, and again, and again

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 94

Chapter 94

Molten wax, burning candle, intangible patterns
She watched
Ever so quietly
Ever so still
Her tears failed betraying her this time
She listened to words strung together, producing song
Songs that she once sang
Songs that held meaning, once up on a time
Words, they are mere words now
Sung in that moment of gladness
In the heat of passion
Sung while love seduced, played a game that someone else would take
She closed her eyes, drifted away to the tune
Depth, emotions, feelings, love
She opened eyes,
Chaos in the real world failed to enchant her senses
Words, how she loved them so
How she clung to them like a lovelorn lover looking at her half for the first time in a long time
Words, beautiful words
Gladdened her heart, gave her soul wings... and then,
Stabbed her through the heart with a knife so sharp, an injury so brutal, she saw a dove cry tears of blood
Molten wax, burning candle, intangible patterns
She watched
Ever so quietly
Ever so still

The Unfinished Chapter - 95

Chapter 95

The quiet of midnight rolled on nigh
A solitary star twinkled in the night sky
Her delicate wings found a flicker of life
She was weary
She twirled a slim finger around a strand of smooth, silky hair
Cotton like clouds danced to a tune so strange, so unknown
She looked at the face of the full moon
A moon promising so many dreams
Fulfilling them for some, shattering them for others
She watched, insentient, benumbed
A muffled sob defeated her throat, and made its way out
The murkiness of the night sky emphasised the quiet summer moon
Ah, moon, ever so lonely as that lone star disappeared
Beautiful crescent, hearkening ever so silently
It was bearing witness to dreams being made, dreams being broken
It shone, on the fragments that once were someone's dream
A dream that now lay pulverised, dissipated
Indeed, that moon shone, on all that was, all that is still to be
She closed her eyes
A slow, reticent tear crawled nonchalantly down her smooth, porcelain cheek
She felt it wet her bosom, its final resting place
As she mourned the dreams that evaded her still

Monday, 21 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter – 96

Chapter 96

Her delicate fingers caressed the rose gently
The petals were soft, like her skin
Red like her cheeks
Her tiny finger made its way to the stalk
She noticed that the thorn tore the tip of her index finger
She saw a bright red trail of blood weave an intrinsic pattern on her hand
She bent, drew in a deep breath of the rose
Her rosebud lips broke into a slight smile
She closed her eyes
Trance-like she danced to an unknown tune
It was new
She clutched her rose tighter still
This was one rose that enthralled her very being, twirled her as a long lost lover riding a shooting star
And with her tightened grip came more blood
As that thorn on the stalk ripped into her delicate being again… and again... and again

Friday, 18 March 2011

The Unfinished Chapter - 97

Chapter 97

She swirls, her flowing gown kisses the candle flames glowing all around
A trail of tears wet her cheeks
Burning eyes blind her for a little while
A wind blows in, gentle at first, stronger a little later
Falling sometimes, floating at others
It matters no more
Curled up tightly, eyes closed, this is good
Shut out everyone, everything
She feels nothing, understands nothing
Questions? She has none
Answers? She needs none
Reason? No, they’re always excuses
Logic? … … …
The bottomless abyss serenaded her
She was entranced
Her feet discovered life as she found herself swaying to a tune that enthralled
Swaying, she was
Her feet hurt, she continued anyway
She looked down and saw her delicate feet bleed
She felt no pain
A stray branch entwined her thin waist
It pulled her from one place, transported her to another
She spread her arm, felt the wind pull her one way, then another
Her porcelain skin tore in places
She just watched
Then she became
She was is
She is was
… … …