- Batman.
- The beautiful peace and quiet that seems to be hugging Bombay right now.
- That I can stay silent even when I am with my closest friends and my butterflies understand completely.
- That I can close my eyes and switch off.
- Watching butterflies flutter, listening to chirping birds and wtaching doggies try and catch their own tail. :)
- A dolphin's call.
- The sound of a waterfall as it makes its way down the mountain.
- Giving the people I love the mostest spiritual hugs.
- Making up words like "darlingest" and "mostest" to enforce how much I really care about someone.
- Seeing a darling baby take his/her first steps...one of God's most precious miracles.
- That Praj always, always ends our g-talk chats with a smiley. :)
- That Liz, Praj, Such and me are like peas in a pod, but still different.
- Saving some of the darlingest messages in my cellphone.
- That I can close my eyes and send the people I love the mostest spiritual huggies and kissies. They are the darlingest people with beautiful souls.
"You don't have to understand, you just have to have faith, " said Sara Thomson. ~ John asks her, "Faith in what?" ~ Sara says, "In destiny." ~ The inspiration of this blog ~ selfless, unconditional, undemanding, pure love... love in pain, love in joy. Let's live every second of our lives with and in love...
Friday, 12 February 2010
11/2/2010: I LOVE
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
10/2/2010: I LOVE
- A perky, perky call first thing in the morning.
- Dancing.
- The power of silence...most times silence conveys more than a thousand words.
- The beauty of words from a writers heart and soul.
- The thick dense Amazon jungles.
- The two new chirps from birds I failed to identify this morning.
- Mr and Mrs Crow and their home on the tree outside our dining room window.
- The big trees that form an arch over our lane.
- Spending time with my darling butterflies.
- My guardian angels who are happily dancing at this moment. :)
- Khalil Gibran, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Sara Teasdale, Thomas Moore, Ben Jonson, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Robert Argyle Campbell, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, William Wordsworth and so very many poets.
- Listening to my intuition, following my heart and my very strong eighth sense.
- Getting lost in my books.
- Getting lost in the ocean, mountains, forest, with animals and plants...if you listen really closely you will understand what they're saying!
Amazon jungles,
Ben Jonson,
Emily Bronte,
Emily Dickinson,
Khalil Gibran,
Sara Teasdale,
Sir Walter Scott,
Thomas Moore,
Valentine's Day,
William Wordsworth
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
9/2/2010: I LOVE
- Starting my day with Bambi running to me in FULL FORCE, sniffing me, wagging her tail and looking at me with her darling chocolate eyes.
- The story the ocean tells me...I can sit and just watch and watch and watch the waves, the ripples, the one-off boat in the distance, the mighty ocean in its splendour and mystery.
- Prancing down Panchgani's lanes. Quiet lanes, massive trees, the birds, squirrels and flora and fauna that still have right over their home.
- Auntie Kate and uncle Russo who own 'Russo's' - the cutest cafe in Panchgani.
- Hearing the church bell chime.
- Cadbury Flake and Moro...the ones in the UK. The Indian versions were sorry clones.
- Bake, bake, baking.
- Spotting waterfalls that run down mountains.
- The little villages nestled in the valleys.
- Writing as my emotions flow.
- Tending to a garden. (Gran and me spent hours and hours on our lawns and backyard in the old bungalow)
- Eating really, really slowly...taking in the aromas before I eat and feeling each flavour as I eat.
- Stopping and smelling the flowers on my way (metaphorically speaking here) as everyone seems to be rushing to some place. I discover magic in those little moments.
- Keeping the child in me alive.
Monday, 8 February 2010
8/2/2010: I LOVE
- The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
- Having a solitary breakfast and lunch sometimes.
- Losing myself in Crossword, Landmark...any book store and library.
- Going back in time; re-living my memories, basking in beautiful moments that finished a little too soon.
- Watching a sleeping baby and wondering what the little angel is dreaming about.
- Riding a wild horse into the breeze.
- Sailing, watching the waves and the point where the sky seemingly meets the horizon.
- Digging into the cupcakes at 'Butterfly'.
- Literature, music, the arts.
- Being in the Gondolas in Venice.
- Trying to look over the rainbow - I still believe there is magic on the other side.
- Pink. :)
- Butterflies...this is the year of the Butterfly.
- You for reading this. :)
Diana Gabaldon,
Valentine's Day
Sunday, 7 February 2010
7/2/2010: I LOVE
- Getting totally and completely lost in the trees outside my window.
- Listening to a child's belief on God.
- Chris Tomlin and Brad Piasley's devotional songs.
- Getting a massage.
- Walking backwards and spreading my arms out wide.
- Looking at the two sparrows on our parapet. They are total darling little things.
- Getting lost in my books.
- Watching the sunrise and sunset and wishing to the sun.
- Anna from 'Mister God, This is Anna'.
- Big oak trees.
- The Himalayan mountain range.
- The feel of melted chocolate on my tongue.
- Eating fresh strawberries...straight from the strawberry farm.
- The sound of the ocean...I believe each ripple, each wave has a story to tell, a memory to make.
My breakfast view every morning...with cuckoos chirping away.
Brad Paisley,
Chris Tomlin,
Saturday, 6 February 2010
6/2/2010: I LOVE
- My best friend's wake-up call this morning saying "Hi madame, what are you up to?" I mumbled (still in my sleep) "Hi sweetie, sleeping."
- Sunita (she has worked for our family FOREVER) asking every morning, "Kaise ho baby?" Oh and her beautiful smile of course.
- Sitting in my PJ's with messy hair, a hot cup of tea and a whole day of just being.
- Listening to the different birds cooing outside my window. Thanks to the trees on our lane we still see cuckoos and the odd sparrow. BLISS
- The precious notes that Gerry left Holly in P.S I Love You. :)
- The sunrays across the hall room floor.
- The aroma of a baking cake.
- A baby's butt...the cutest, softest lil hinny's EVER.
- Lil Shiloh-Hope - my friends's niece. You WILL want to eat her and cuddle her at the same time. :)
- Kamya (Divya's baby girl). I promise you that she has the squishiest butt EVER. SQUISH on my arm when I carried her...and no she hadn't pooped then. :)
- Mikaylah-Hope, my niece and her general fascination with water. :)
- Shopping for baby girls - they have the BEST clothes and accessories EVER.
- Going back to my memories of my gran and me, sitting on our porch in the old bungalow and taking the silence in. This was our Saturday afternoon - porch time, story time and at exactly 3:30 pm every Sat one of the other bungalows would bake a cake religiously.
- My dreams because they take me back to my nana's arms...the safest and most loving arms I have ever known.
Friday, 5 February 2010
5/2/2010: I LOVE
The beautiful bookmark that my darling Liz gave me
Getting lost in a library
Playing the piano till my fingers bleed
Walking very slowly, in silence
The universe embracing me
Watching the leaves dance to the breeze
Meditating and looking deep, deep within
Swinging in a hammock
Coconut water
The ocean...as each wave breaks on the shore and returns only to tell us a new story, give us a new dream, paint a new picture, make a new memory while preserving our old ones
The brilliant works of Beethoven, Mozart and the rest
All God's miracles
My guardian angels
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.
Getting lost in a library
Playing the piano till my fingers bleed
Walking very slowly, in silence
The universe embracing me
Watching the leaves dance to the breeze
Meditating and looking deep, deep within
Swinging in a hammock
Coconut water
The ocean...as each wave breaks on the shore and returns only to tell us a new story, give us a new dream, paint a new picture, make a new memory while preserving our old ones
The brilliant works of Beethoven, Mozart and the rest
All God's miracles
My guardian angels
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
4/2/2010: I LOVE
The sunrise and the sunset
The feel of breeze caressing my skin, blowing through my hair
The sound of Silence
Nature - all trees, plants and animals
The pitter-patter of rain
The fragrance of rain and mud...ah wet mud, I yearn thee
Watching the trees outside my dining-room window gingerly sipping tea and lost in thought...as always
Cuddling up in bed with my book
The piano keys in 'Porcelain'
Standing on the edge of Tableland with my arms spread out wide
Watching the beautiful butterflies flit by
Spending time with my soul sisters
Food moans...UMMMMMM
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.
The feel of breeze caressing my skin, blowing through my hair
The sound of Silence
Nature - all trees, plants and animals
The pitter-patter of rain
The fragrance of rain and mud...ah wet mud, I yearn thee
Watching the trees outside my dining-room window gingerly sipping tea and lost in thought...as always
Cuddling up in bed with my book
The piano keys in 'Porcelain'
Standing on the edge of Tableland with my arms spread out wide
Watching the beautiful butterflies flit by
Spending time with my soul sisters
Food moans...UMMMMMM
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.
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