Monday, 8 February 2010

8/2/2010: I LOVE

  1. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
  2. Having a solitary breakfast and lunch sometimes.
  3. Losing myself in Crossword, Landmark...any book store and library.
  4. Going back in time; re-living my memories, basking in beautiful moments that finished a little too soon.
  5. Watching a sleeping baby and wondering what the little angel is dreaming about.
  6. Riding a wild horse into the breeze.
  7. Sailing, watching the waves and the point where the sky seemingly meets the horizon.
  8. Digging into the cupcakes at 'Butterfly'.
  9. Literature, music, the arts.
  10. Being in the Gondolas in Venice.
  11. Trying to look over the rainbow - I still believe there is magic on the other side.
  12. Pink. :)
  13. Butterflies...this is the year of the Butterfly.
  14. You for reading this. :)
I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.

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