Friday, 12 February 2010

11/2/2010: I LOVE

  1. Batman.
  2. The beautiful peace and quiet that seems to be hugging Bombay right now.
  3. That I can stay silent even when I am with my closest friends and my butterflies understand completely.
  4. That I can close my eyes and switch off.
  5. Watching butterflies flutter, listening to chirping birds and wtaching doggies try and catch their own tail. :)
  6. A dolphin's call.
  7. The sound of a waterfall as it makes its way down the mountain.
  8. Giving the people I love the mostest spiritual hugs.
  9. Making up words like "darlingest" and "mostest" to enforce how much I really care about someone.
  10. Seeing a darling baby take his/her first of God's most precious miracles.
  11. That Praj always, always ends our g-talk chats with a smiley. :)
  12. That Liz, Praj, Such and me are like peas in a pod, but still different.
  13. Saving some of the darlingest messages in my cellphone.
  14. That I can close my eyes and send the people I love the mostest spiritual huggies and kissies. They are the darlingest people with beautiful souls.

1 comment:

sanely insane said...

Hmm...i've never heard a dolphin's call in real..only on tv...