Sunday, 7 February 2010

7/2/2010: I LOVE

    My breakfast view every morning...with cuckoos chirping away.
  1. Getting totally and completely lost in the trees outside my window.
  2. Listening to a child's belief on God.
  3. Chris Tomlin and Brad Piasley's devotional songs.
  4. Getting a massage.
  5. Walking backwards and spreading my arms out wide.
  6. Looking at the two sparrows on our parapet. They are total darling little things.
  7. Getting lost in my books.
  8. Watching the sunrise and sunset and wishing to the sun.
  9. Anna from 'Mister God, This is Anna'.
  10. Big oak trees.
  11. The Himalayan mountain range.
  12. The feel of melted chocolate on my tongue.
  13. Eating fresh strawberries...straight from the strawberry farm.
  14. The sound of the ocean...I believe each ripple, each wave has a story to tell, a memory to make.
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.

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