Saturday, 6 February 2010

6/2/2010: I LOVE

  1. My best friend's wake-up call this morning saying "Hi madame, what are you up to?" I mumbled (still in my sleep) "Hi sweetie, sleeping."
  2. Sunita (she has worked for our family FOREVER) asking every morning, "Kaise ho baby?" Oh and her beautiful smile of course.
  3. Sitting in my PJ's with messy hair, a hot cup of tea and a whole day of just being.
  4. Listening to the different birds cooing outside my window. Thanks to the trees on our lane we still see cuckoos and the odd sparrow. BLISS
  5. The precious notes that Gerry left Holly in P.S I Love You. :)
  6. The sunrays across the hall room floor.
  7. The aroma of a baking cake.
  8. A baby's butt...the cutest, softest lil hinny's EVER.
  9. Lil Shiloh-Hope - my friends's niece. You WILL want to eat her and cuddle her at the same time. :)
  10. Kamya (Divya's baby girl). I promise you that she has the squishiest butt EVER. SQUISH on my arm when I carried her...and no she hadn't pooped then. :)
  11. Mikaylah-Hope, my niece and her general fascination with water. :)
  12. Shopping for baby girls - they have the BEST clothes and accessories EVER.
  13. Going back to my memories of my gran and me, sitting on our porch in the old bungalow and taking the silence in. This was our Saturday afternoon - porch time, story time and at exactly 3:30 pm every Sat one of the other bungalows would bake a cake religiously.
  14. My dreams because they take me back to my nana's arms...the safest and most loving arms I have ever known.
'I LOVE' is a series of everything I love all this month. I will post a list of 14 different 'I LOVE'S' daily...hail St Valentine.

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