Wednesday, 10 February 2010

10/2/2010: I LOVE

  1. A perky, perky call first thing in the morning.
  2. Dancing.
  3. The power of silence...most times silence conveys more than a thousand words.
  4. The beauty of words from a writers heart and soul.
  5. The thick dense Amazon jungles.
  6. The two new chirps from birds I failed to identify this morning.
  7. Mr and Mrs Crow and their home on the tree outside our dining room window.
  8. The big trees that form an arch over our lane.
  9. Spending time with my darling butterflies.
  10. My guardian angels who are happily dancing at this moment. :)
  11. Khalil Gibran, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Sara Teasdale, Thomas Moore, Ben Jonson, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Robert Argyle Campbell, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, William Wordsworth and so very many poets.
  12. Listening to my intuition, following my heart and my very strong eighth sense.
  13. Getting lost in my books.
  14. Getting lost in the ocean, mountains, forest, with animals and plants...if you listen really closely you will understand what they're saying!

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